cambodia was amazing! it was truly a life changing experience. a majority of the time i stayed in small villages with no electricity, refrigerators or toilet. i hate to admit it, but the first couple of days i was a diva and bath with avian water. but after a few days i said eff it and experienced the culture to the fulliest. I got violently ill for a couple of days, but it was worth it. cambodia has so many children beggars. everyone told me not to give any children money, but once you see there face it's kind of hard to resist. the first day i gave a kid 2 bucks and he started crying. i looked up and there was a herd of children running after me. the city is filled with people and beggars. the villages have no beggars, just a bunch of kids who wants there picture taken. the only thing i hate about cambodia is the mosquitos. my uncle died from malaria so when i got bitten i was scared shitless. i slept with a thick mosquito net, a hoodie, beanie, thick paints tucked in my thick socks. I even used 40 percent deet, but somehow i still got bitten over 20 times.

me putting in work.

kids in cambodia are so grown up. village children usually start working at 5 years old. here's a kid pouring water in her tub with no parents in sight.

i started to paint at prey sar and a few minutes in a bunch of kids started to crowd up. i let them paint with me, and the hardest thing was to tell them i had to go. the look on there faces when i took my paint and brushes back was painful.

this is my dad's village prey taten. I stayed here about a week. a very peaceful place. when i walked threw the village people would come up to me and say do you remember me? a few thought i was my dad.

i tuck in my pants in my sock because of the mosquitos and red ants. not a fashion statement.

her name is chaquon. i told her not to tell anyone i gave her money. a few minutes later her whole family was asking me.

eating at restaurants like this is probably the reason why i puked all over the river.

here's a preview for my next post in thailand. me battling the famous youtube painting elephant.
Hey welcome back! What a great experience it must have bin to take that trip. I bet you must be completely recharged and inspired. Great pics by the way.
Cambodia looks SICK!
beautiful pictures, brother. it reminds me a bit of what i remember of indonesia. i desperately need to go back.
Wow Andrew - looks like an amazing trip. Can't wait for the next installment!
Welcome back! Wow - you took some lovely photos. Thanks for sharing.
okay...what we want to know is how many prostitutes offered themselves to you.
J/K..I'm Cambodian too, though I've never been. I'm kinda ashamed that it's one of the last places on my list, not really.
i'm thinking of rocking the socks in the pant leg tuck
YOUr stories and flicks are amazing and inspiring. Good to have you back duuu! now lets paint mang-
Big Wang
Sup Andrew (or Sophan?) I am from Long Beach. I started noticing your work from 'Picks of the Harvest' a long while back at Thinkspace. I was thrilled when I found out that there was a Cambodian artist. To this day I still point out to my Cambodian friends that you're Cambodian every time I come across your work.
Keep up the good work! Maybe I'll see you at a show or we can show together when I get better.
damns that's so epic! sounds kinda scary though to deal with all those potentially deadly mosquitoes.
this really made me want to go to my dad's birthplace, which he's promised me to show me before he keels over.
wow these pictures are so awesome. i really enjoyed looking at them!! the thing about being mistaken for your dad was funny :)
waddup mang, some of the black and white pics are pretty good. the color ones aren't bad too. transitioning over to photography?!?!? :)
These shots came out great! :) I'm not a fan of mosquitos either so I'll have to take precaution when I go. Any tips for my travel/stay there?
I suppose the mosquitos aren't as bad in Cambodia compared to Mexico. Even when I would layer clothing I'd still get bitten.
Anyways. . .
You have some very cool art! First time I've seen your work. I'm definitely going to be keeping an eye on it. Hopefully I could see some of your work in person soon.
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