this piece been sitting around unfinished for about a year now. after erasing the lady's face about 5 times i decided to use reference. man that made my life so much easier. now i can finally call this DONE!
here's my working zone, my fortress of solitude. i know it's kinda messy. i currently have my heroe gary meyer's painting on my destop, a stay wet palette for my gouache, and a set of 99 cent brush from a aaron's brothers.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
i was always fimilar with this girls work.. im happy i found out her name. jennifer poon
i showed with this guy in chicago, and dug his work ever since. but recently i was able to check out his work in person. AMAZING! and such a nice guy too. grant barnhart
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
i will be having 2 illustrations in the next american illustration annual. im exited cause this is the first time im not submitting on the student catagory. well here are the two pieces.