here's an illustration about oxygen and life. how did earth develop the conditions to support life. very interesting article. working with art director craig mackie on this one. the O2 is gouache on yupo with digital for the background.
im practicing my pixacao font for my trip to brazil. hopefully i can understand more about this unique font by seeing it in person. right now it all looks like it done by the same person. but im pretty sure they would say the same thing if they see la tags.
the very awesome eye one. ekundayo with beau. fam super talented jeremy lynch. cris will be having a 3 year tinlark anniversary this 23rd. should be amazing. skill level with these two is insane. scott and his awesome family pic courtesy of daily dujour.
if you have pics can you send it to
thanks to everyone who came out and showed their support this past saturday. it really means a lot to me!!!
here is the work in it's entirety if you can't see it in person.